Articles & Videos

Finding Journal Articles

Library databases such as Academic Search Complete from EBSCO are used to find peer-reviewed/scholarly journal articles, not found through internet search engines (i.e. Google, Yahoo). 

The material found within databases is generally more acceptable to use than material found on the internet because it comes from professionals working in the field that you are researching. You still need to personally review material to make sure it is appropriate for your topic.

Use the advanced search function and make sure to limit to full text. You can also use other limiters, such as peer reviewed or scholarly, date range and journal title.

You can also filter down your results within the database by using the limiters down on the left-hand side. By date (use the last 5 years), subject, resource type, demographics, geographical area, etc. Take a look at the subject headings on relevant articles. You can incorporate those into your search query.

Within the databases, after receiving the results for articles, there is a Tool where you can click on Cite and can choose the appropriate citation for the style that you are using to reference your resources. Please note that these are computer-generated and you will need to verify them against the appropriate style guide



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